woensdag 4 augustus 2010

Eli update

My little Elitje,

August 5 and your 5 weeks old already. It's hasn't been an easy ride with you so far, well compared to your brother.

A wriggly, hungry, crying baby who can't keep still and stay content. But your sitting here today and smiling (still wriggling though) and even made your first turn to your side when lying down.

We are currently living in Brugge with Momoe and Papoes, while our floor is drying out after it had to be reoiled and sanded back last week. Papa is on his last week of holidays after a fab 5 weeks of with the family. Thank god for that, otherwise mother would have been a very stressed out and a very tired lady.

The last week we have been having a lot of problems with you pooing. You didn't poo for 6 days and your little face and voice made it clear that you were not happy! I called Kitty who told me to go to the osteopath and to try some vasiline tablets to stick up your bottom. This seemed to do the trick that evening, but after two days nothing again and a loooot of screaming, we decided to take you to the doctor on Monday. Some laxitive syrup did the job again and you seemed to be a little more releaved but still something was bothering you.

Osteopath visit on Wednesday evening, showed that you had a lot of pressure around your neck especially on your right side. So after a half hour session and a lot of screaming when she turned your little neck, you seemed to calm down a little that evening you slept another 5 hr session without eating.

This is how you look, sound today:

Blue eyes, blond hair with more hair on the back of your head.
You can hold your own head up straight
You make little grunting noises like a little pig, can smile which I think is genuine and not reflex.
You like to eat and eat every 2 to 3 hrs.
You wriggle a lot and have very strong legs and arms and even managed to roll over this morning from lying flat.
and you like to cry a lot!!!
You stretch your little arm in the air after you slept.

That's the latest on you today.

Love Mama

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